Being a single Mum really and truly can be a times a very lonely experience especially when the kids are at school and you have all day to yourself with nothing but house chores to do. Like any female or male there are times when one is overcome by certain sexual urges and rude thoughts that just have to be dealt with. Of course you can and I’m being blunt here use your favourite sex toy to deal with the problem or as I prefer you can use your fingers but it simply isn’t the same as having a testosterone filled man in the house who can give you the sex you need to satisfy your lustful self. I’m not alone, a quick look inside Strangers4Sex which is free and you’ll see how many horny, single Mums are looking for sex.
Being a single Mum myself I know exactly what it’s like for thousands of Mums up and down the country. One minute you’re hoovering away and doing the washing next minute you’re getting small itch down below and some rather fantastic erotic thoughts and though you try to ignore them it just gets worse until the point comes Continue reading “Casual sex with lonely single mums”